Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My state flower

Found some California poppies blooming alongside the road today.  Aren't they pretty?  :)  I love their bright orange.  It just says "happy!!!"

Sometimes when I'm taking these kinds of close-ups, I like to fool around with my aperture.  Every lens has a set of blades that open or close to let in more/less light, depending on your camera settings.  It's fun to see just how much of the image will or won't be in focus at the different settings.  In case you're curious...here's how it looks:

at f/2.8

at f/4

at f/5.6

at f/8

at f/11

at f/16

at f/22

The less you have in focus, the more "magical" it feels.  Hmm...seems like there should be some cool life analogies here...things are more magical with less in focus...??  Have you found that?
I do think it's true about walking with God.  He knows where we're headed.  I don't.  But it doesn't matter so much, because we're going together.  It's all right if things in the future are kind of out-of-focus and fuzzy.  If I knew everything coming up, I might just forget about him and go about my life without him.  Not a good idea, because whether I admit it or not, I'm dependent on him for EVERYthing!
And that's how he likes it.  He could tell me all about what's ahead, but this way, he knows I'll have to stick with him -- which is, after all, what he really wants.  He likes us and wants to spend time with us!
"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning..." (Psalm 130:5-6).
May you walk with Him.
Till next time, friends...
- Kelsey Schweickert
Discovering beauty...
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  1. I love the way you think and how you use your gifts to point others towards Christ. You bring beauty to the world just by being in it, Kelsey:)

  2. These are beeeaaauutiful images of the Californian poppy, Kelsey! And I loved your analogy ... encouraging. :)

  3. Thanks so much, Jen...that means a lot. A lot!

    And thanks Leah and April, too! :)
