Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Sometimes I have a hard time trusting God.  I just do.  Sometimes you do too, right?  I guess it's part of being human.  It's easy to think that we have to take care of ourselves because nobody else will.  Things don't go as you hoped, people fail you, you get sick, plans fall apart, or whatever.  It's a cold, cruel world out there, and you just can't trust anyone.

But this is ridiculous.  This is misunderstanding our heavenly Father.  He is unfailingly good. He has our best at heart.  No matter how we feel, the solid truth is, he never forgets us.  He says in Isaiah, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?  Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.  Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me."

It's not just that he doesn't fail us, he can't.  It's impossible for him.  As the apostle Paul wrote, "If we are faithless, he remains faithful -- for he cannot deny himself."  It's just not his nature.  Yesterday I came across these wonderful quotes by Spurgeon:

"Hold loosely to all worldly things, but grip firmly the unseen God.
Fussing, worrying and hurrying will do no good.
Be calm and quiet; all will be well if you are the Lord's child."

"We are poor fools when we begin to deal with the future. It is a sea that we are not called to navigate."

- Kelsey Schweickert

Discovering beauty...

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  1. Thanks for the post, and good timing! Up until a few months ago I thought I had my next five years (at least!) basically planned out. (hahahaha) But that all's broken down since then. Most recently, it seems the Lord's been making it extra clear that school, whether at PHC, law school or not at all, will be one semester at a time. I'm certain He wants me to go back this semester, but will He for the next? I really can't say, and I'm seeing now that's a good thing. "It is a sea that we are not called to navigate." :)

    And nice photo!

  2. Yeah. Sometimes I have a hard time too. Kinda more like lots of times. Thanks for the reminder of what is TRUE.

  3. Kelsey- You inspire me and encourage me to right action and thought. Thank you for these thoughts today! They were very much needed...

  4. Thank you for posting this - such a good reminder:)

  5. Wow, Josh...that's a little unnerving, I'm sure. Uncertainty about the future is just part of life I guess. I don't like it...but you're so right, it IS a good thing. It makes me depend on the Lord, and He knows best!

    Glad it encouraged you, Ruthann, Meagan and Jen! I was praying He'd use it to do that. :)
